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Whether it’s Collections, Telesales or Market Research Calltrol has the experience to assure you performance and value. Special features and the ability to understand your specific needs for applications like Fundraising, Appointment Setting, Telecom, Mortgages or other Financial products.

Proven turnkey contact center applications to fit your budget and functional requirements. All packages have stood the test of time with scores of satisfied customers over the course of many years. Whether choosing a budget conscious outbound system or comprehensive blended solution, there is never a need to sacrifice quality.


CenCerv®, Calltrol’s latest generation contact center, telephony server platform includes native SIP VoIP support, via Asterisk® Open Source IP PBX. After nearly 10 years of R&D, we’ve come up with the absolute most effective way to scale and distribute call center telephony. All new and previously developed applications for Calltrol’s Obejct Telephony Server™ (OTS™), are compatible with CenCerv.


Convergence Friendly® Architecture is all about empowering your applications and data. A comprehensive developer’s kit and free support put our money where our mouth is. Turbo charge your existing business systems with simple to implement yet extraordinarily powerful automation, real-time data awareness and precision call control. Calltrol products conform to your specifications, not the other way around.

Add some or all of our Call Handling Technology to any application or database. It’s that simple. Calltrol’s products are completely operating system, development language and database independent. In fact, they support multiple disparate systems simultaneously and have done so for over 15 years.


Learn About Predictive Dialers
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US 200 Saw Mill River Road
  Hawthorne, NY 10532
  Phone: 914-747-8500
Predictive Dialer *Auto Dialing * Interactive Voice Response (IVR) * Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) * Digital Recording * Message Delivery
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Calltrol's products are customizable and versatile, with system functionality defined by the user's requirements. Calltrol offers no license and can assume no liability against infringement of any patents. Please review any implementation to ensure that the rights of all parties are respected.

©2011 Calltrol Corporation
Meeting Your Needs Since 1989